Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Down but not out

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up. James 4:10

I was feeling pretty down this morning and early afternoon. I'm not exactly sure why, well it is a bunch of little things that brought me down. One thing is it feels like I am alone here in bloggerland. No one seems to be commenting so I feel like there is no one coming by here except for 3 of my friends and Truckerman.

But the biggest thing is my house. It always seems to look like a bomb went off in every single room. There is not a room that doesn't look like a disaster. The bathroom is the closest to being clean. That room is the room I think I will finish cleaning. I had started to clean it but I got sidetracked. That is usually what happens. I think I am going to go through all the cupboards and start weeding through the things and get rid of what is expired out of the medications, and if it is not being used and is not an essential, like bandaides, etc. then it is going into the garbage. Then I will wipe everthing down and then 1 of my goals will get done.

I have set goals for myself. That helped perk me up along with a chat with a girl in my class. I have decided that if I wanted to lose weight (more like needing to lose weight) and have a clean house then I need to set goals for myself and follow through on them.

I have started a journal again which helps me see what is going on in my life and helps to keep me motivated. I had kept a food/life journal before when I had lost weight but quit it when I fell down the stairs at church and could not exercise until my leg healed. It took so long that I ended up quitting everything and got lazy again. I have tryed to pick it up again but was never really successful at keeping it up. But today something made things click. I'm not possitive to exactly what it was I'm thinking it was a number of different factors. But I think this time it is going to work. I really hope it works.

I have decided to set a number of goals but there is only 2 long term goals that I have for myself. I have set mid term goals, monthly goals, weekly goals, and then daily goals. I think that all the types of goals that I am setting will help with each other and make the long term goal not seem so hard to reach.

As long as I have the support from Truckerman, the boys, and my family and friends then I think I can do this. This just made me realize that I forgot someone in this group and I haven't been doing well in this area in a very long time. What helped me with things was my time with God doing devotions. I have been negligant in this area for a while now and I need this time. It refuels me for the day and helps to keep me focused on Him and on everything else that needs attention.

It is amazing how spending that time with Him helps in all different areas everyday and when getting out of spending that time really brings you down. I complained in a recent entry how spending an hour a week is nothing but yet I couldn't even spend 10 minutes a day with God. How hypocritical am I?

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Be made new in the attitude of your minds. Ephesians 4:23

I finished my assignment in record time last night. I have looked at the next assignment and it seems to be an easy one. Now that I have said that this means that it will be harder than it looks. LOL

I have a busy couple of days ahead of me before we leave for the big city. Truckerman's cousin phoned me tonight with bad news. He was supposed to go to the hockey game and lacrosse game with Truckerman and now he has to go out of town for work this weekend and won't even be around when we go there. This sucks because he and Truckerman are close and we haven't seen him in a year.

Truckerman had purchased some new LSB hymnals (OOPS, my mistake on the name of this)online for dirt cheap and was going to donate them to the church and can you believe that they are not sure if they want them or not. I don't get this. If someone was offering to give the church 12 brand new hymnals for free would you not take them? Would you even has to think about it? I just don't get it. This is saving them alot of money and we would actually be doing the proper services instead of using the green hymnal. I hope that they make up their minds soon.

I feel like a dope. I looked at my calender yesterday and said to the boys that I needed to call my grandparents for their 55th anniversary. Guess what, I forgot. I had to phone them tonight and appologize for forgetting. I always seem to do that, remember that it is a birthday or something and forget to call. I really should work on that one. At least I tried. :-S

Sunday, February 25, 2007

A Little Easter!

I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord," and You forgave the iniquity of my sin. Psalm 32:5

I had ordered the boys some Lenten Devotions that we could do together as a family. Creative Communications has quite a few for really cheap prices so I ordered a bunch of different ones so they could have ones for the next few years when we will have no money.

I was looking trough some of them and what caught my eye was on the Sundays they were called a little Easter. That made me stop and smile. I hadn't looked at it that way and it is true, Sundays are a little Easter.

Since we started attending the Lutheran Church that we attend I have come to love Lent more than Advent. They are equally important but for some reason Lent has become more special to me.

I think it has to do with why we have Lent. Lent is for us to reflect on the sacrifices that Jesus went through for me and everyone else. I have given some things up for Lent but they do not compare to what Jesus did for me. What Jesus sacrificed for me makes what I gave up seem really piddly. I am not worthy of what Jesus did for me and everyone else. But then that is why He came to die, so that we are worthy.

It really saddened me when we went to Ash Wednesday service and there were only 17 of us in total for two congregations. To top that off Truckerman and I were the only young family there. Lent is such an important time that it boggles my mind to not see people come to worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and focus on what He came and did for us all so that we may be with Him someday in Heaven.

I can't figure out why people think going to church for an hour once a week is too much time out of their day and the only time that they can sleep in but they can plant their behinds in front of the boob tube for an hour watching some mindless show. Don't you want to learn something?! Are you not thankful?! UGH!!

Okay no more ranting. I just needed to get that off of my chest.

Today was somewhat productive. You couldn't tell by looking at my house. But if you had been here and saw the huge piles of laundry in baskets that needed folding you could see that they have been folded and put away and most of the laundry in the house has been washed, folded and put away as well. There is only one load left to be folded and put away. YA!!!

Right now I should be doing my assignment that is due on Tuesday but all I have to do is just write it out, so I will do that right away and then I can start on my next assignment. :-P I shouldn't complain this semester has been pretty easy and I am almost done the course. :-) I can't wait to be finished. I can't believe that I am almost done. I am getting nervous about everything right now. But I am going to not think about that and keep motoring ahead to what the Lord wants me to do and what He has planned for Truckerman, the boys, and I. That is what is really important.

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Friday, February 23, 2007

Snowing again

The Lord... is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

It snowed yesterday but not alot. Last night it was so windy and the power kept going out. I'm just thankful that it was not overly long here. Some places were almost 24 hours without power. Today it was blowing and snowing and then just snowing, alot!

The bus driver refused to come into the yard so Pete had to run to the highway to get onto the bus. Thank goodness that he turned the bus around so that Pete did not have to go across the highway because some IDIOT didn't stop for the bus. I am getting quite annoyed with that that I am going to start standing on the side of the road and start writing down their plate numbers and call them into the police. If the bus driver had not turned around and Pete had walked across he could have been hurt.

Anyhow, the neighbor got stuck twice, I got stuck and Truckerman got stuck. The neighbors husband pulled her out both times. I, well I made it about 5 feet and got stuck. Truckerman had to get me out and then proceeded to drive out to the highway and I had to run out there to get into the truck to go and get milk and veggies from the store. It is quite the hike to the highway when there is so much snow. It doesn't help that I have short legs.

When I got home I parked the truck behind my car so Truckerman could turn it around which was a good thing, well, we didn't realize how deep the snow was at first and when Truckerman realized he decided to back down the driveway to turn it around in the neighbors. Good idea until the front end of the truck got sucked into the drift on the edge of the lawn. OOPS!!

I wish I had taken a picture after this because we called someone we knew to help pull out the truck, well, they managed to get the back end pushed into the drift and Truckerman was on an angle and had to climb across the seat to get out. It took quite a bit to get it out and when they did they had pulled it back to where we park and it got suck there. What an ordeal!

It is not stuck now thank goodness. And Truckerman made it safely to work. I am not leaving my house until the yard is plowed because there is no way that my car is ever going to make it out of here. This doesn't bother me because I have all that I need now to last me a bit and the plow will eventually come. But my only concern is how to get to church on Sunday morning. We will have to figure out a way.

I have a leak in my basement that is slowly getting bigger, I just hope that it doesn't get to much before Truckerman gets home. We have a good idea which pipe is leaking and there is a pail under it so hopefully it holds for a bit. I'm just glad that we haven't replaced the ceiling tile yet or we would have been doing that again.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Scratching our heads

We have this [hope] as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul. Hebrews 6:19

This morning Truckerman went and checked the breakers for the pump, etc. and flipped them back on. And would you know it things are working again! I'm just not sure what had happened last night to make things go funny with the system. But I'm not complaining, I'm very happy that we didn't have to replace the pump and electrical again.

I can't wait to go for supper tonight! I just wish Truckerman could join us. But his studies come first today. Please pray for him that he does well.


Monday, February 19, 2007


We have no water! Yup you heard me correctly, we have no water.

I ran a load of dishes in the dishwasher and we were running a bath for the boys when Pete yelled out that the water was slowing down.

Truckerman is now home, thank goodness. So he went into the basement to figure out what was going on. The pump in the well is not pumping and the pressure tank was down to 10 lbs and not much water left in it. So he had to turn off the breakers for everything.

So I am glad that I was able to get at least some of the dishes washed (there were a few that did not get into the dishwasher to be washed) and the boys are washed for school. I was also able to get a bowl of water for brushing teeth and we have bottled water in the porch. I also have hand sanitizer in the kitchen and bathroom to use on our hands. Tomorrow Truckerman's dad is going to cxome out to help pull the pump and check to see if that is the problem and check the electrical box in the basement. We are pretty sure that it is both that are needing to be replaced. I will be going to town to Cranky Momma's house to shower. Thanks Cranky Momma, your are a big help. And while I am in town I will pick up another jug of water so I can wash dishes with and cook with. UGH!

I am also going to the city again tomorrow for Shrove Tuesday supper at the farm with my family. This will give Truckerman time to study without the boys bothering him since his final is on Wednesday afternoon. So I will be phoning around tomorrow to find the best price and if it is cheaper then here I will call my dad and get himto pick it up for my so I can bring it home tomorrow night. I would pick it up myself but Pete has piano until 4:30 pm and by the time I would get to where I needed to go it would be to late.

With Truckerman's exam being wednesday this means I will probably not have water until thursday. Yikes! This means we all may be going to peoples houses to shower. I HATE being in this predicament. But life will go on and things could be worse then it is.


Can we say Busy!

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

Thursday I went to the city to get some things done on the car. While I was there I ran to Walmart to get some pictures developed. After that the boys and I went to a friends so her and I could get some scrapbooking done. Not much was done, (I only got 1 page done and she got a 2 page spread done) but we did have a really nice visit. I realized that I had forgotten to put some pictures on the memory card to get developed. OOPS, silly me! It's not like it won't get done. I just have to remember to put them into order when I get them done at the end of the month. I also need to remember to get them developed. ;-)

Today the boys decided that they were playing pirates. They wanted patches made so I made them patches and then could not find the string. As a joke I told them to tape them to their faces and the next thing I know that is exactly what they did. It works and they had fun playing.

Pete's gun was a Hot Wheels thing that shoots the cars out of it onto a track and Repete, well he had a red marker as his knife.

The things kids will use for other things. Isn't it great for imaginations?!

Anyhow, back on topic. Friday and Saturday I helped out at the funeral homes in the city. So that meant 2 nights at my Mom and Dad's. Womens shoes are definately not made for comfort are they?! I was so exausted by the time I got home I was really surprised about that. The real exaustion was due to my feet. I am really going to have to find some good shoes for work. The ones I have are fine for a couple hours but when it is 8 hours on your feet it is tough.

It doesn't help that I have wide feet. That is a big part of my problem with shoes. It is difficult to find nice shoes that are wide enough. A big pain in the butt. I do have a couple pairs. I think that at the funeral home I will wear one kind and at the funeral another. Maybe if I switch out every few hours that might help. I guess I will just have to try it and see how it goes I guess.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day :-P

A new commandment I have given to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. John 13:34

Valentine's Day, ACKPOOEY!! I'm the Valentine's Grinch and I'm not scared to admit it.

Truckerman thinks I am lying to him about not liking it because I can tell you the last time he gave me a present on that day. It is just I remember the dummest thing like dates of things. I could tell you the date of every time we have moved and that is quite a few times in the first 6 years that we have been together.

Anyhow, I did make valentines for the boys to send out. I stamped sucker covers. The boys really liked them and so did their friends. I'm not so much of a Grinch that I make it bad for the boys they should enjoy it.

It has been frightfully cold here and is supposed to warm up tomorrow. I'm not sure if I quite believe what is being forcast. Today was cold and tomorrow is supposed to be -3 C. That is a huge jump especially when the temp. right now is -21 C. It would be nice if it was.

Tomorrow I have to go to the city. I have an oil change schedualed and I am scrapbooking with a friend of mine for the day. That shall be a good time. The boys are coming along and my friends husband and the boys are going to watch movies together.

We are spending the night at my parents and then I might take them to the farm to my grandparents to spend some time with my cousin and Grandma said she would watch the boys if my help is needed at the funeral home. If not then the boys and I will get groceries and a few other things and either go home or spend another night there. I might be helping in Saturday at the funeral home, I'll find out tomorrow morning. If so Mom and Dad said that they would watch the boys for me. I might just stay to visit and take the boys, and my cousin and my Dad (if he behaves himself...LOL ;-) ) out bowling for the night. That would be a nice time for all involved. So at the moment the rest of my week is up in the air until tomorrow sometime when I talk to T about what he has going and if he needs help and wants it.

This makes it tough to pack our bags tomorrow until I know what is going on. I guess I'll have to call bright and early and just have everything ready to put into the bags.

Well I better got putting those things to the side to pack just in case. Have a great weekend if you don't hear from me before then.

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Monday, February 12, 2007


Since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 5:1

I have been doing my Funeral Directing course and it is really starting (well, it has been bothering me since day one) to bother me.

The stuff that I am reading is about funeral arrangements and how to go about doing it and what needs to be discussed and what ideas the funeral director can give to the family of the deceased.

The section I was reading had different things that were to be discussed and one was music. I was happy to read that it said that some clergy have ideas about what is to be played during a service and that should be honoured. Ya for that one! But then I turn the page to another section and it reads that the funeral should be about memorilizing the deceased and that the funeral service is about the family and what they want and need.

This is what bothers me. Okay, if the funeral is not done a clergy member fine do what you want, but if it is done in the church then no you can not do whatever you want it is not your place to tell the minister what you want and how he is to perform his job. Do you want someone to come up to you and tell you what to do at your job? I think not!

I am finding this harder and harder to deal with. Truckerman told me to just do what I need to do to pass the course and then forget it all. Easier said than done. What if I go to a funeral home and that is their policy, what do I do then? This sucks.

I have read a couple blogs in the last little while that have touched on this topic of people telling clergy what they want regardless if it does not follow the ways of the church.
  • One Pastor...Ablog!
  • talks about how he refused someone a song that they wanted to sing and the person freaked out and then they called him the next day and said that his services were not needed.
  • Kelly's Blog
  • talks about weddings and funerals and how people are trying to tell the minister how to do his job. Both of these have really good points and people need to stop and take it all in and realize what is going on when it comes to funerals and weddings lately.

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    Saturday, February 10, 2007

    Where did we go wrong

    Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11

    Poor Truckerman! He and the boys were watching the Calgary/Buffalo game and Calgary lost in a shoot out. This happens every time there is a shoot out. But what bothered him was the fact that Repete was cheering against Calgary and when Buffalo won he did a happy dance around the room.

    Truckerman is wondering where we went wrong. LOL I think that Repete is just trying to be his own little man and wants to be different than everyone else right now.

    This afternoon I got to spend some time with Crankymomma for coffee. It was nice to get out during the day for a change. We usually go out in the evening so this was a treat for us.

    When I got home I baked an angel food cake and then made spagetti with italian sausage and homemade tomato sauce. Yummy.

    So after supper once the cake was cooled I wiped up some whipping cream and got out the strawberries (they were frozen, Europeans best is really sweet and juicy) and we had a really delicious dessert. Much better than yesterdays disasters. ;-)

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    Friday, February 09, 2007

    The start of a very long weekend

    Guard my life, for I am devoted to you. Psalm 86:2

    The boys have the next 10 days off for February break. It was only supposed to be 9 days but our provicial government has now implimented a family stat day on the 19th. Hopefully it warms up a bit more so the boys can spend more time outside since we have that large snow hill in the middle of the yard.

    Tomorrow we might be going sledding at a friends house so Truckerman can get some more work done on his assignment. Luckily I was able to get mine finished today that is due tuesday or we might have be pushing each other out from in front of the computer and that would have been a problem. I just have to remember to send it. That is what I have a tendency of doing, finishing the assignment ahead of time and then remembering at the last minute to send it. One of these days I'm bound to forget to send it.

    I have a huge assignment due on friday next week and there is a pile of reading to do and with Truckerman in my office the next few days and the boys home from school all next week it is really going to be a challenge to get it done early. I guess I will just have to lock myself away in the bedroom if I have to. I just have to keep myself awake. I have a tendency to fall asleep when I am studying in the bedroom. OOPS! ;-)

    I had to go to town this afternoon. It was not by choice, Pete forgot his brothers bunnyhug (hoody, I'm not fond of hoody growing up we called it a bunnyhug) at school for twin day yesterday and since there is no school for the next 10 days I wasn't to keen on it being there so I took him to town to go and get it. Anyhow, we went to the grocery store to get a couple of things and I bought some Pilsbery Valentine's cookies and cinnamon buns. I never buy these things but today I decided to buy some. Now my thoughts on these things is that you can not screw up on these things. Well I was wrong. The cookies did not flatten out and were hard even though I cooked them the way the directions called for and the cinnamon buns, they were hard on the bottom. I should have just spent the time and made my own. But then again if I could screw those up today maybe it was best to not bake anything else. The muffins I made last night for Pete's class today were a hit. :-) I even saved one for Repete and he loved it. They are Double Chocolate Banana Muffins and they usually do not last very long in our house. The last time I made them we had company and they ate them all and poor Truckerman didn't get any for himself and this time was the same. I do still have bananas left maybe I should make some up for him tomorrow as a little treat. Sounds like a plan.

    Well, I should scoot and get some reading done before it is bed time.

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    Thursday, February 08, 2007

    Hard of hearing

    Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives. Titus 3:14

    Repete and I were in the grocery store and he kept pushing the end of the cart in different directions that I was going. This is the conversation that we had.

    Mom: Will you please stop pushing the cart?

    Repete: No reponse and keeps pushing the cart

    Mom: Will you please stop pushing the cart?

    Repete: Still no response

    Mom: Are you hard of hearing?

    Repete: What?

    Mom: (A little louder) Are you hard of hearing?

    Repete: What?

    Mom: (Louder still) Are you hard of hearing?

    Repete: NO!!!!

    What do you say to that one because he can hear just fine he just doesn't listen very well some days. Eye yi yi! LOL


    Wednesday, February 07, 2007


    The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you... and you will be changed into a different person. 1 Samuel 10:6

    It is cold today. I don't want to leave the house but the boys have bowling after school. I would have had to go out anyways because I need to fill our water bottle so we have something to drink (our well water doesn't taste overly great and is to soft). At least it is not windy today. Looking out the window the frost on the trees is so pretty to look at. The sun is shining on them making them sparkle.

    I'm having trouble trying to find some of the answers to my Funeral Directing assignment. I've called 2 people from my class to see if they could help and they are having the same trouble. UGG!!! I am going to have to call my teacher tonight to help me with it. The question that is eally confusing me askes about the first church and who formed it. But then it also says, well let me just write it out and if anyone can help me that would be great. The question reads:

    The first non-Jewish or gentile church was formed in________ by the Apostle ________.

    I figure the answers could be either Jerusalem and Peter or Antioc and Paul. Someone please help me. See it could be either, is my instructor looking for the first church or the first gentile church? i'm going to have to call her and just ask I guess but I'd love to get peoples input on it.


    Tuesday, February 06, 2007


    Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

    Today I helped at the school with supervision this morning. This week is teacher appriciation and there is something going on with each class at different times during the week. Yesterday was Pete's class and today was Repete's class doing things. So now I am finished other then Thursday when I go and help the Kindergarten class in the afternoon with their activities.

    Pete had his first piano lesson with his new teacher. He likes her much better. Not only is she cheaper, she also gives them a snack and a drink during the lesson. He said that she is a much better teacher as well and that he learned more from her in his lesson. I am thinking that this is a good move. She is also going to register him for the music festival in two songs. He is pretty excited about it all and they are easier songs for him and he really likes the songs that she has picked out for him.

    I had been talking to my mom about it and was telling her today how he likes his new teacher and that he will be registered for two songs now she told me that she wanted to know when he would be playing and that she would take the time off to come and watch him play and would bring my grandparents and maybe my Noni. Pete is excited about the whole idea.

    That is one thing about him, he does not get nervious in front of people. Most people wish that. Last year during a school assembly the principal had him come up and read from King Arthur in front of the whole school. He got up there and read without any hesitation. We asked him after if he was nervious and he replied "No, I like to read in front of people."


    Monday, February 05, 2007

    Fed Up!

    The Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary." Luke 10:41-42

    I did it. I found Pete a new piano teacher. He starts is lessons with her tomorrow after school. Now I just have to tell the lady that had been instructing him that we are done with her and that I would like a refund on the 2 lessons that I had paid for and he never recieved.

    Truckerman has wanted me to change him to someone else for some time now because of all the trouble we have been having with her cancelling on me all the time. I found out last night that we were not the only ones having the same trouble and finding new piano teachers. I am feeling a tiny bit guilty but I realize that this is not going to work and that I need to not feel guilty about my decision to move him because I need to get what I pay for and he needs to learn something from the lessons. The bonus of this is that the lady that he is going to be going to is cheaper per lesson as well so it works for me.

    I have been working alot lately and getting alot more hands on which is great expirience for me. I am really enjoying all of this. It good to enjoy what you are doing.

    Right now it is snowing and blowing again. At least it was good driving when I went to the city for work. Truckerman is just leaving and now the snow has stuck to the roads. Hopefully the roads are not to bad. It is -13 C which is 9 F and blowing so I am not sure about the wind chill. By Friday they are calling for colder weather, I think -28 C or 20 below F. And with the fact that it is the prairies there is usually wind accompanying the cold so the wind chill should be in the high -30's. Yippee! I can't wait!! (Can't you hear the sarcasm in that?!) On the up side, since I will not be leaving my house unless I absolutely have to, I am going to do some baking, studying, and housework. Maybe I'll get some card making and scrapbooking done as well. I'm actually looking forward to that. Yes, I know, I'm not normal but that is okay with me.

    When I went to the city this morning the funeral home there gave me an application form that they wanted filled out. It is starting to look like I will be doing my practicum with them. YA!!! And if I do I will get paid as well which is a nice bonus. It also sounded like when I do go there to help out I'll get paid for that now so that will help pay for the gas to get there. I can't wait to find out what is going on.

    Friday, February 02, 2007


    They brought Him up to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord. Luke 2:22

    What a busy day today. Last night I worked at the prayers and then this morning I helped at the funeral but also had running around to do before and after and then I had to go to the city with the van. It was a good couple of days for learning new things that is for sure. That makes me happy.

    Tonight Repete was supposed to go to a sleepover. Well that is what we thought was happening but the mother of the boy was supposed to confirm and has not and will not return my calls. Some days I don't really know why I put up with things like this. Pete has already missed 2 piano lessons with her and this last one she was to call me about a new time and I have yet to hear from her. I'm thinking that I need to be calling someone new for lessons.

    Truckerman and I are going to watch a movie together tonight. It should be a nice relaxing time together. The boys are going to watch Veggie Tales Jonah on the portable DVD player Truckerman's boss got us for Christmas. So they won't be bothering us during our movie. I'm thinking that the boys will be in bed before we get to the movie anyways because Truckerman has started watching the hockey game and once he starts watching it it is hard to pull him away from it. Oh well, we can stay up late tonight because tomorrow is Saturday and we can actually sleep in. :-) I'm just thinking that the show that I like to watch is on a 9pm and 1am so I will have to record it to watch tomorrow because I will not be staying up that late even though normally that would not bother me but not tonight I'm too tired.

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    Thursday, February 01, 2007

    Who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves? Luke 22:27

    What a nice day that I had today. I got up with the boys and got them ready for school and once they got on the bus I went back to bed for a little more sleep. That was really nice.

    It was so quiet here without the boys. Truckerman was able to get some things done and I was able to get a bit of studying done.

    I was dying my roots this afternoon and realized that I can be so cheap with things. But then this will be a good thing soon. I figured out that I was only using 1/2 of the dye and the rest was going down the drain. So I have started to clean the used bottles and when I buy a new one I measure out half into the used bottles and store the new stuff until next time. I figure this saves me about $15 every two or three months.

    Tonight I worked a prayer service for a gentleman from the area and tomorrow I am going to be working at the funeral. There seems to be quite a few lately around here and in the city (it is not that big of a city). Firsst thing that I am going to be doing is setting out funeral cards for the next funeral that is in a few says. Then I will head over to the church to help at the funeral. At least I don't have to set up the grave this time. I think I'll hold off on doing that for a little while. ;-)

    Well, I am off to spend some quiet time with my Truckerman! ;-)