Sunday, April 26, 2009


The weather was so nice here and then the last few days it has been snow. Yes SNOWING!!! But tonight the sun has finally made it's face known and it is supposed to be warming up again. As long as it is warm for the weekend of May 9th when Truckerman convocates from university. Can you believe that? He is going to be convocating from uni and that we have been here for almost 2 years. Where did the time go?!

He has applied for Seminary for the fall but won't hear anything for a bit because he has to write the GRE, and none of the reference letter have gone out to any of his references. Everyone says that he will get in but until you get that confirmation there is still that question in the back of your mind. And if he doesn't get in I just waste 2 years of my life here.

I have worked the last 7 days and I have to phones and they have been ringing all day. So I am tired and it looks like I have to work the next six. :-P If I have to then I am going to take the 8th off to get the house, etc. ready for the guests and BBQ for the Convocation.

We are having quite a few people over for the BBQ because Truckerman and his cousin are both convocating so we are having a joint party and we are inviting quite a few people we are friends with in the city. It should be a good time!! And I will not be working, I refuse to be working and I will not be answering my phone and going in. Forget that idea!! Fat chance!


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