At work
I am at work right now and I am mift. I am in a very bad mood over a few things.
My manager is sick at home. That I am not mift about and am worried for him. But with him gone I have to deal with some of his things. One thing is to deal with a family member of a deceased lady that we are to send away to another country and we have been having trouble with sending her off for various reasons. This is not my fault, this is not the funeral homes fault, this is beyond our control. I understand that the family member is frustrated but how many times do you have to tell someone the same thing? We have told him numerous times, some days 3 times in that day everyday for over a week, what the reason is? That does not give him the right to yell and scream at me. I am supposed to call him right now and I am having anxiety over it and can not bring myself to call him. I want to go and hide somewhere and cry.
One of the staff members causes me grief some says. Especially when the manager is not around. I am getting to the end of my rope with this person. She is sticking her nose in places it does not belong.
Also she thinks she is the boss when the manager is gone and she thinks she can boss me around. GRR!! I don't think so. She also takes time off whenever she wants and I am to put my family after hers. Pardon me?! She told me yesterday that I was not to get sick on the 13th because she couldn't work because she had to go to her granddaughter's dance recital and her family and she were not happy because she missed something at Halloween because there was a service that night and I refused to work it because I put my children first. Well I'm sooo sorry to inconveniance you!!! NOT! My kids come first and I miss enough things because of work and because everyone else's things come before mine I am not giving some things up.
Some people that I work with at another location put our office last and when I ask or tell or fax things do not get done and that is supposed to be my fault and I am sick of it.
Also 2 of my friends from work got fired this week and that is another big can of worms that I am not going to get into because I would be here all day typing.
All this and we are all stressed out and I'm the bad one if I am stressed because there is supposedly no reason for me to be stressed out. I need a break. Will I get one? Nope, I have to work straight through until next sunday and then that is not a guarentee that I have it off because I am on call. One day off in 3 weeks but then again maybe not, I'm not holding my breath because then I would pass out from lack of oxygen.
Hang in their Kirken. I know that we can't make things better for you but remember you are doing this for your family and they know they come first. Even if they sometimes don't show it :)
Keep counting down to Christmas and some days off. Time with the hubby and boys, and a well deserved break.
Don't hold your breath, but maybe try to get time for a few slow deep ones :-) Or a long hot bath. Hang in there.
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