Monday, February 19, 2007


We have no water! Yup you heard me correctly, we have no water.

I ran a load of dishes in the dishwasher and we were running a bath for the boys when Pete yelled out that the water was slowing down.

Truckerman is now home, thank goodness. So he went into the basement to figure out what was going on. The pump in the well is not pumping and the pressure tank was down to 10 lbs and not much water left in it. So he had to turn off the breakers for everything.

So I am glad that I was able to get at least some of the dishes washed (there were a few that did not get into the dishwasher to be washed) and the boys are washed for school. I was also able to get a bowl of water for brushing teeth and we have bottled water in the porch. I also have hand sanitizer in the kitchen and bathroom to use on our hands. Tomorrow Truckerman's dad is going to cxome out to help pull the pump and check to see if that is the problem and check the electrical box in the basement. We are pretty sure that it is both that are needing to be replaced. I will be going to town to Cranky Momma's house to shower. Thanks Cranky Momma, your are a big help. And while I am in town I will pick up another jug of water so I can wash dishes with and cook with. UGH!

I am also going to the city again tomorrow for Shrove Tuesday supper at the farm with my family. This will give Truckerman time to study without the boys bothering him since his final is on Wednesday afternoon. So I will be phoning around tomorrow to find the best price and if it is cheaper then here I will call my dad and get himto pick it up for my so I can bring it home tomorrow night. I would pick it up myself but Pete has piano until 4:30 pm and by the time I would get to where I needed to go it would be to late.

With Truckerman's exam being wednesday this means I will probably not have water until thursday. Yikes! This means we all may be going to peoples houses to shower. I HATE being in this predicament. But life will go on and things could be worse then it is.



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