Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day :-P

A new commandment I have given to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. John 13:34

Valentine's Day, ACKPOOEY!! I'm the Valentine's Grinch and I'm not scared to admit it.

Truckerman thinks I am lying to him about not liking it because I can tell you the last time he gave me a present on that day. It is just I remember the dummest thing like dates of things. I could tell you the date of every time we have moved and that is quite a few times in the first 6 years that we have been together.

Anyhow, I did make valentines for the boys to send out. I stamped sucker covers. The boys really liked them and so did their friends. I'm not so much of a Grinch that I make it bad for the boys they should enjoy it.

It has been frightfully cold here and is supposed to warm up tomorrow. I'm not sure if I quite believe what is being forcast. Today was cold and tomorrow is supposed to be -3 C. That is a huge jump especially when the temp. right now is -21 C. It would be nice if it was.

Tomorrow I have to go to the city. I have an oil change schedualed and I am scrapbooking with a friend of mine for the day. That shall be a good time. The boys are coming along and my friends husband and the boys are going to watch movies together.

We are spending the night at my parents and then I might take them to the farm to my grandparents to spend some time with my cousin and Grandma said she would watch the boys if my help is needed at the funeral home. If not then the boys and I will get groceries and a few other things and either go home or spend another night there. I might be helping in Saturday at the funeral home, I'll find out tomorrow morning. If so Mom and Dad said that they would watch the boys for me. I might just stay to visit and take the boys, and my cousin and my Dad (if he behaves himself...LOL ;-) ) out bowling for the night. That would be a nice time for all involved. So at the moment the rest of my week is up in the air until tomorrow sometime when I talk to T about what he has going and if he needs help and wants it.

This makes it tough to pack our bags tomorrow until I know what is going on. I guess I'll have to call bright and early and just have everything ready to put into the bags.

Well I better got putting those things to the side to pack just in case. Have a great weekend if you don't hear from me before then.

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