Friday, February 09, 2007

The start of a very long weekend

Guard my life, for I am devoted to you. Psalm 86:2

The boys have the next 10 days off for February break. It was only supposed to be 9 days but our provicial government has now implimented a family stat day on the 19th. Hopefully it warms up a bit more so the boys can spend more time outside since we have that large snow hill in the middle of the yard.

Tomorrow we might be going sledding at a friends house so Truckerman can get some more work done on his assignment. Luckily I was able to get mine finished today that is due tuesday or we might have be pushing each other out from in front of the computer and that would have been a problem. I just have to remember to send it. That is what I have a tendency of doing, finishing the assignment ahead of time and then remembering at the last minute to send it. One of these days I'm bound to forget to send it.

I have a huge assignment due on friday next week and there is a pile of reading to do and with Truckerman in my office the next few days and the boys home from school all next week it is really going to be a challenge to get it done early. I guess I will just have to lock myself away in the bedroom if I have to. I just have to keep myself awake. I have a tendency to fall asleep when I am studying in the bedroom. OOPS! ;-)

I had to go to town this afternoon. It was not by choice, Pete forgot his brothers bunnyhug (hoody, I'm not fond of hoody growing up we called it a bunnyhug) at school for twin day yesterday and since there is no school for the next 10 days I wasn't to keen on it being there so I took him to town to go and get it. Anyhow, we went to the grocery store to get a couple of things and I bought some Pilsbery Valentine's cookies and cinnamon buns. I never buy these things but today I decided to buy some. Now my thoughts on these things is that you can not screw up on these things. Well I was wrong. The cookies did not flatten out and were hard even though I cooked them the way the directions called for and the cinnamon buns, they were hard on the bottom. I should have just spent the time and made my own. But then again if I could screw those up today maybe it was best to not bake anything else. The muffins I made last night for Pete's class today were a hit. :-) I even saved one for Repete and he loved it. They are Double Chocolate Banana Muffins and they usually do not last very long in our house. The last time I made them we had company and they ate them all and poor Truckerman didn't get any for himself and this time was the same. I do still have bananas left maybe I should make some up for him tomorrow as a little treat. Sounds like a plan.

Well, I should scoot and get some reading done before it is bed time.

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