Saturday, January 27, 2007


So they picked up Jonah and hurled him into the sea, and the sea ceased from its raging. Jonah 1:15

I just about did a header into a six foot deep hole today and I just about brought someone down there with me.

I called a friend who is a Funeral Director to help me with some school work and he wasn't there so I talked to the other Funeral Director friend that was there and he said that they were swamped and that I could come and help today if I wanted to and that they really did need the help. So I drove up there last night so I didn't have to get the boys and I up so early this morning.

I helped out a one of the funerals that they had to do today and then one of the men and I were sent out to set up the grave at the cemetery 30 minutes away for the other funeral.

We went and started to get things ready and we set up the boards and the turf so the next thing to be done is to put on the lowering device for the casket to be placed on. I was carrying the one end and walking backwards. That was a no-no for me, I don't do well carrying things and walking backwards Truckerman can attest to that. Well, I stumbled over one of the boards and lost my balance. I was just starting to regain it when I stepped on the hem of my pants and fell over. Well, the lowering device has to be close to 100 lbs. and I almost dropped it into the grave and sending this poor man with it but I was lucky that I was able to place it on the boards in time and I landed on my left leg.

I know hurt alot and in alot of places. My left leg and foot from the knee down, my left hip, my left arm from the elbow up and my left shoulder, my right wrist and hand and forearm, my right shoulder and now my back is a bit tight. OOOHHH, I am going to hurt in the morning!!

I'm just thankful that I didn't fall in or pull the gentleman that I was working with in as well. To top it all off, I hit my head as I was getting into the van to leave. Maybe I should have stayed in bed this morning. LOL



At 8:24 a.m., January 29, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch! Hope you recover quickly from your aches and pains!


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