Sunday, February 25, 2007

A Little Easter!

I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord," and You forgave the iniquity of my sin. Psalm 32:5

I had ordered the boys some Lenten Devotions that we could do together as a family. Creative Communications has quite a few for really cheap prices so I ordered a bunch of different ones so they could have ones for the next few years when we will have no money.

I was looking trough some of them and what caught my eye was on the Sundays they were called a little Easter. That made me stop and smile. I hadn't looked at it that way and it is true, Sundays are a little Easter.

Since we started attending the Lutheran Church that we attend I have come to love Lent more than Advent. They are equally important but for some reason Lent has become more special to me.

I think it has to do with why we have Lent. Lent is for us to reflect on the sacrifices that Jesus went through for me and everyone else. I have given some things up for Lent but they do not compare to what Jesus did for me. What Jesus sacrificed for me makes what I gave up seem really piddly. I am not worthy of what Jesus did for me and everyone else. But then that is why He came to die, so that we are worthy.

It really saddened me when we went to Ash Wednesday service and there were only 17 of us in total for two congregations. To top that off Truckerman and I were the only young family there. Lent is such an important time that it boggles my mind to not see people come to worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and focus on what He came and did for us all so that we may be with Him someday in Heaven.

I can't figure out why people think going to church for an hour once a week is too much time out of their day and the only time that they can sleep in but they can plant their behinds in front of the boob tube for an hour watching some mindless show. Don't you want to learn something?! Are you not thankful?! UGH!!

Okay no more ranting. I just needed to get that off of my chest.

Today was somewhat productive. You couldn't tell by looking at my house. But if you had been here and saw the huge piles of laundry in baskets that needed folding you could see that they have been folded and put away and most of the laundry in the house has been washed, folded and put away as well. There is only one load left to be folded and put away. YA!!!

Right now I should be doing my assignment that is due on Tuesday but all I have to do is just write it out, so I will do that right away and then I can start on my next assignment. :-P I shouldn't complain this semester has been pretty easy and I am almost done the course. :-) I can't wait to be finished. I can't believe that I am almost done. I am getting nervous about everything right now. But I am going to not think about that and keep motoring ahead to what the Lord wants me to do and what He has planned for Truckerman, the boys, and I. That is what is really important.

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At 6:29 p.m., March 01, 2007 , Blogger Susan said...

>>17 for Ash Wednesday

We had 14 here. Seven were from my family. Five were people with "duties" (altar guild, organist, elder, and 2 spouses). Two others.

Last night's service had 10. Seven from my family, organist and husband, and the elder.

I find that quite discouraging.

At 6:36 p.m., March 19, 2007 , Blogger Kim said...

I just found your blog and I have to say it's always nice to run across another Lutheran family on Blogger.

Don't be too hard on families not coming to church mid-week or even every Sunday, you never know what's going on. I would give anything to be able to go more often but we live too far, 3 hours one way, to go more than once every 3 weeks or so. The price of gas alone is prohibitive. I agree that this is not usually the case but you never know what's going on. Don't get discouraged and rejoice that you have a church close by!


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