Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Be made new in the attitude of your minds. Ephesians 4:23

I finished my assignment in record time last night. I have looked at the next assignment and it seems to be an easy one. Now that I have said that this means that it will be harder than it looks. LOL

I have a busy couple of days ahead of me before we leave for the big city. Truckerman's cousin phoned me tonight with bad news. He was supposed to go to the hockey game and lacrosse game with Truckerman and now he has to go out of town for work this weekend and won't even be around when we go there. This sucks because he and Truckerman are close and we haven't seen him in a year.

Truckerman had purchased some new LSB hymnals (OOPS, my mistake on the name of this)online for dirt cheap and was going to donate them to the church and can you believe that they are not sure if they want them or not. I don't get this. If someone was offering to give the church 12 brand new hymnals for free would you not take them? Would you even has to think about it? I just don't get it. This is saving them alot of money and we would actually be doing the proper services instead of using the green hymnal. I hope that they make up their minds soon.

I feel like a dope. I looked at my calender yesterday and said to the boys that I needed to call my grandparents for their 55th anniversary. Guess what, I forgot. I had to phone them tonight and appologize for forgetting. I always seem to do that, remember that it is a birthday or something and forget to call. I really should work on that one. At least I tried. :-S


At 12:39 a.m., March 03, 2007 , Blogger R. Schremmer said...

   I'm sorry that neither Truckerman's cousin nor I were able to join him for the Oiler's defeat or the lacrosse game. I hope he was able to find someone else to go with him! I didn't get home from work tonight (Friday) until after 10:30pm; but I'm so glad that I was able to spend time with you both today! Please share my greetings and thanks to everyone at Unity! :)
   As for the new LSB, there may be a few reasons that they may not want to change from the green Lutheran Book of Worship. A) They don't like change, even when it's free; B) they think that the ease of the new LSB might bring new members, but they're comfie with the church being the way it is; C) they prefer green over burgendy; D) they think that the green hymnal is the last 'universal Lutheran' hymnal since it includes LCA, ALC, ELCC, and LC-MS as participating in the formation of this hymnal (true, this project was initiated by LC-MS, but they pulled out of it and disassociated themselves from the project; oddly the others decided to retain LC-MS's involvement in the project as a selling point to LC-MS congregations); E) they recognise that they still would have to invest in the organist's manuals (1 for services and 1 for the hymns) and possibly other materials as well, which it a bit much; F) they recognise that continued use of any CPH material beyond the hymnals themselves needs to be noted, copyright royalties need to be paid for and obtaining permissions to copy that material in advance needs to be secured before it's used---all of which is a pain but legally required---but the same is not needed for the contents of the Lutheran Book of Worship (yet); G) they may be living by the theme of "If it's not broke, there's no need to replace it!" There's several possible reasons that congregations (not just Unity) may hesitate to change to the new hymnal, and we need to respect that even if we disagree with them. In matters such as these, it's better to be more like Luther than Carlstadt. :)

   I hope you had an enjoyable time here in Edmonton. It's a pleasure to finally meet Truckerman and your little ones too! I hope you had a safe journey home to Unity, too!

- Roger :)


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