Crash, Bang, Boom
Neither he who plants noe he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.

This is a place for me to put my thoughts into words. I am a wife and mother of 2. I am a Funeral Director and Embalmer. My husband is a student on his way to being a LCC minister. I hope you all enjoy and God bless.
Neither he who plants noe he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.
You did not choose Me, I chose you. John 15:16
Do not fear, only believe. Mark 5:36
My friend and her children stayed for supper and while I was getting making the lasagna and visiting I received a phone call from one of the realtors and they are showing the house tomorrow.
Yipee and Yikes at the same time.
Yipee because someone is looking at it and yikes because not only do I have to power clean (normal things plus because we had to clean up water in the basement and put that sump pump in the floor and there is a mess left from that) I also have to study for my final exams tomorrow morning. So there went time to clean in the morning and time this evening. :-P We will manage we always do. Just put my faith in the Lord that things will work out according to His plan.
Please pray for me that all is well with my exams [the last ones forever!!! :-)] and that we are able to sell our house soon and are able to find a place in the big city.
We received a letter in the mail today from the Lutheran School where we are moving to. We had applied to send the boys there but we needed to get funding to help pay. We were willing to pay a portion of the tuition payments but the Tuition Assistance Commitee approved for the whole tuition to be covered.
Ask, and it shall be given to you. Matthew 7:7
The word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18
Do not fear, only believe. Mark 5:36
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8
Repete says that he doesn't want to start Grade 1 because then he will have to work and he doesn't like to work. :-) Typical kid!!
We haven't had many looking at our house and every other acreage that was for sale have been sold. I just don't get it. Hopefully ours sell soon. I hope.
And He took them in His arms and blessed them, laying His hands on the them. Mark 10:16
It was difficult trying to explain things surrounding the site because there is so much involved in it. I will have to take them to the Fort to show them things and to help explain the details. Hopefully Pete will take the history of it in school in the next few years because there is a lot of history there and it is a major part of Canadian history.
On other notes. The BBQ went well and I found out yet again that this is a small world. Dad had me pick up some buffalo burgers for supper and there is a couple from here that have awesome buffalo burgers and I had brought them for a family supper and dad really liked them. So anyways, I picked up 2 boxes and took them to my parents. At the BBQ dad and I were talking about where I had gotten them and it turns out that dad has known these people for years through shooting. Tonight when I talked to them they were excited and surprised to know that he was my dad. This keeps happening to me a lot. This world is getting smaller and smaller.
And He took them in His arms and blessed them, laying His hands on them. Mark 10:16
Christ Jesus [is]...our rightousness. 1 Corinthians 1:30
We went to the Relay for Life and had a good time. It is an all night (12 hour) relay walk for cancer. It is started off with a survivor lap around the track and then the teams. After that the teams all have to have at least one person on the track at all time. At 10 pm the luminary bags (in honour or memory of loved ones that have had cancer) are lit to light the track for the night.
We were able to walk with my Gramps who is a cancer survivor and we walked with a friend who is also a survivor (his wife was Pete's bus driver until she passed from cancer and then he was Pete's bus driver until he retired a couple of years ago).
Pete was happy to play and walk with his friend. The two of them are quite the pair. They had made some type of concoction to drink out of water and candies. They set up their chairs beside the track to try and give their drink to people passing by. Some people actually stopped and tried it and one person came back for more. They are brave souls.
Repte fell asleep by about midnight and after thinking about it I decided to pack it in at 3:30 am. My plans were to stay until the end but I had an essay to write so I decided to drive home. Pete was not a big fan of that but I'm the mom so what I say goes.
We are almost finished the renos we would be doing some now but the grass needs to be mowed. What else is new, eh?!
We had gotten a call on sunday to show the house yesterday morning. So we busted our hynnies to get the wall paper off the walls down stairs and get a coat of paint on them (Truckerman did that) and get the house cleaned up and more junk tossed out (while I finished my essay and cleaned). 15 minutes before the house was to be shown we got a call that the couples car had some problems (their tire fell off the car and wrecked the car) so they will have to come back a different day. OY!! Then we got a call to show the house at 5 pm (the call came at 4:10) and Truckerman was out of town so I ran around to open blinds, turn on lights, sweep, tidy a few things up and at 4:35 pm the phone rang, the person wanting to look at our house got called away to work and will have to reschedual. UGH!! Not again! I hope that this is not a trend. At least we know that there is at least 2 viewing going to happen in the next little bit. The houses in town are flying off the market, I hope this will happen in this case. So far I am nervous. Too many "What ifs?"