Sunday, June 24, 2007

Welcome Gary and Larry

The word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18

Wednesday when Truckerman came home from work he found that the basement had started to seep. :-P It must have just started sometime after Pete had been down there. So needless to say he has spent the last few days putting a sump pump in the store room. So far it seems to be working. YA!!

Yesterday Truckerman decided to take the boys fishing for the first time just to get out of the house. They had gotten a few nibbles but that was it. They all had a great time together and I was able to get some quiet time to myself as well.
The only thing is the boys came home with a few more house guests. Introducing Gary and Larry our new pets. As you can see they are snails. After they were put into the fish tank with water and some rocks the boys went online with Truckerman to see what snails will eat and that would be almost anything especially fruits and veggies. But no rice or noodles. So we gave them some lettuce and so far they seem content to be eating it. I guess we can keep them as long as they don't start to procreate.


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