Saturday, May 26, 2007

Road Kill and Birthday Cake

Neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. 1 Corinthians 3:7Does our cat look like road kill here? When the boys go out to play in the yard she follows them around waging her tail. When the boys ride their biles she will usually sit in the middle of the driveway while the boys ride around her (she's pretty brave to do that or not so smart). Just before I took this picture she had found a pot hole in the driveway and was lying in it while the boys where riding very close to her. She is a funny cat that is for sure.

Pete had track and field yesterday. Here he is doing the high jump. This one really frustrates him so he didn't do as well as he would have liked. He had fun and recieved a couple of ribbons so he was happy about that.

We had Pete's birthday party today. He invited 3 boys and 3 girls (he wanted more but that is enough considering all that needed to get finished around here). Well the 1 girl and 1 boys did not make it and then this morning another boy got sick so he did not come so if it were not for Repete and his friend there would have been more girls than boys here. I made this Sponge Bob cake for the birthday party. I had made one for Repete so Pete decided that he had to have one too. This one didn't turn out as nice as the first one that I had made but Pete didn't care.

Everyone played outside for awhile and then they had a treasure hunt for their gift bags. We had hot dogs, beans and 2 salads. There is plenty of leftovers so we won't have to worry about lunch tomorrow.

We have gotten a lot accomplished the last few days. Other then a few touch ups with paint we have the dining room, kitchen, laundry room and hallway finished. Ya!!! The bedroom floor will be finished tonight. I was just informed that there is no longer green shag rug in our bed room any more. Yipee!!! I'm so happy!!! So by monday we should have the bedroom, the boys room and the bathroom finished. The living room needs baseboards but that is going to be next weekends job. So as of monday morning this house will be officially FOR SALE! No hopefully it sells quickly.

We did find out one interesting thing yesterday. Pete likes to remove wall paper. If we would have known that before we would have had him removing wall paper a long time ago. He removed the wall paper in our bed room yesterday and then we have sent him down stairs to remove the ugly wall paper down there. (I really need to post a picture of the wall paper it is that ugly) That is going to save me time that is for sure.


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