Thursday, February 28, 2008

I thought...

that I had a blog post but I don't. I am grumpy today and would rather be at home unpacking and cleaning then be here at work. I am working yet another 12 + hour day today and I am not thrilled about it because we have to get a babysitter because Truckerman has Greek tonight. NOT IMPRESSED!!

Normally someone else works Tuesday and Thursday nights for me but because of the circumstances surrounding things I as a licensed director have to be there. :-P WHOOPE!

We have our churches young adult night tomorrow night at our house and we are no where near done unpacking or ready to host it. Truckerman is going to have to take the boxes downstairs so they are out of the way. I am taking part of the afternoon off tomorrow because I am working so late today and I have to work on Saturday. This way I can get some of the munchies together, clean and get everything ready for the evening.

I hope that we can get a good crowd for the evening and that we all can have a good time.

Any suggestions as to activities for the evening would be gladly accepted.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

So Pumped!!

Truckerman mentioned that he needed new sunglasses so I mentioned that there was a Mark's Work Warehouse just by our new place. Yesterday he took a drive over there and made a huge discovery. They were having a huge winter blow out sale.

He was so excited that he had to call me and then after supper we had to go there and check it out.

What awesome deals that they had. Mens sweaters that were normally $60 marked down to $10. Now how can anyone turn down a deal like that?! We picked up a couple for the dads for Christmas.

We bought 19 items and paid $217 and saved close to $650. WOO HOO!! Now that is a deal!!

Speaking of new place. WAY BETTER!!! Other then the odd bit of TV noise in the evening and the sweek of their drier (which you can only hear in the basement) it is pretty quiet. And the room, way bigger then our old place and the kids can have their toys in the basement where they are not scattered all over the house. I even have a place to set up my craft supplies. That is an exiting thing for me.

On top of the place to have my things, we were at COSTCO and I was able to pick up a tote so I can take my scrapin and stampin supplies out. It is like a crate with a telescopic handle and wheels and there is a slip cover that has pockets for everything. It is wonderful!! I can load up my stuff even for at home and bring it upstairs and watch TV with Truckerman and work on my stuff. Life is GOOOOODDDD!!!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

you know...

That you are really having a bad day, well more like week, when the over the toilet storage unit somehow one it's own, tips over and both your hairbrush and toothbrush fall out and into the toilet.

Gross!!!! Now I can't brush my teeth tonight. This really sucks!

Oh, and you know what else sucks? The shop that the coach was taken to called today. Guess what was wrong with the car?

If you answered, "It ran out of gas." You would be correct. I had just looked at the gas gage before it started to act funny and it was reading a third of a tank so this means that the gage is broken. Lucky me to find that one out.

All I can say is that I am glad that I did make it to the parking lot and not the side of the road.

But about my toothbrush...what a way to end a bad week.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Bad Pun

I realized that I had made a bad pun in my last post.

I have had a very stressful week and today things came to a head and I had a bad morning and then I had to go to our downtown location to pick someone up and casket them and bring them back to the funeral home that I work out of. Well I was driving down the road and the coach started to do some weird things and I knew that something was wrong. All that I could think of was my cell phone was at the office on the charger and if this car breaks down where I was I was going to be in some trouble. I luckily was able to get it far enough down the road that when it the car finally broke down I was able to cost into the parking lot of the store and was able to park and get to a phone and get some help.

While sitting in the parking lot I started to laugh and I was laughing so hard that I had tears rolling down my face. OY! I have had the giggles ever since then.

What a day! Hopefully things get better tomorrow.

This weekend we are getting our new washer and drier. Truckerman bought me a new set and they will be coming on Saturday to the other house. They are a front load. I'm so excited!!!

You know your having a bad day when...

The coach you are driving for a transfer to the funeral home dies in the grocery store parking lot!!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

So very homesick

I am so home sick it hurts. The last few days I have been missing my old life of being a stay at home mom and the quiet life that we had.

This week has barely started and it has been a stressful one. Yesterday I got to work and there was 4 first call sheets and then we had 4 more calls. So I have had a long 2 days and the week is not over and from the schedule it is going to be a very long busy week.

Yesterday Truckerman was at chapel and they announced that a young man that he had befriended, that had been in some of his classes and was a presem student like Truckerman, had taken his life that morning. What a shock. It seems that it may have been a reaction from the medication that he was taking, that was a side effect. This is something that we all are having trouble wrapping our minds around.

The cramped quarters we are in (we haven't moved just yet), the noise, the long hours at work, and the traffic are really getting to me this last few days. I am having a hard time dealing with it all right now.

I had called a couple of friends tonight to see how everyone from church were doing and it really made me that much more homesick. I talked to a gentleman that I had grown very fond of. He is 85 years old and he is having a lot of health issues. I then talked to another friend from church and she informed me that one of my ladies (there are 3 women from church that I called my ladies all the time) was losing weight rapidly and is down to about 65 lbs. and another lady that I enjoyed visiting with from the other church in our parish may have cancer and her health is failing quickly.

I feel helpless here that I can't be there to be with them. They are my family.

What also bothered me was the fact that 2 of them have been unable to attend church for many months and our pastor did not call them, did not visit them and did not bring them communion. On top of that a couple weeks before Christmas he had a meeting with the parish and told them that he was finished the next day for health reasons. One days notice!! Ya right!!! There are other things going on there as well but there is not enough time in the day to rant about it and explain everything. But when there are 16-20 people that attend per week you have to notice that people haven't been there for months on end. Especially when one of them is an elder.

I just want to hide away somewhere and cry. I was walking to my car one morning and was not impressed that I was having trouble hearing the snow crunching under my boots because the noise is so loud here.

Truckerman was not here to talk to so I called our pastor here in the city and talked with him which helped me to be able to talk to him if I need to. I never had that with our pastor at home. There is only one other pastor that I have ever felt comfortable talking to about things especially about my feelings. It is nice to feel comfortable talking to him if Truckerman is not there for me to talk to about things.