Monday, July 30, 2007


I got to work today expecting to work a funeral today and I ended up embalming. Yesterday there were a couple of calls and another funeral home had brought someone in. Then while some were at the funeral and 2 of us were embalming there were 3 more calls. We shall be busy little beavers this week.

I saw the funniest bumper sticker today at the grocery store today. It read, "Save a tree, eat a beaver" That is too funny!!!

We still haven't heard back about the gentleman that looked at our place the other day. I'm assuming that he is not interested. Hopefully something soon. Please pray for us that we get a sale soon. So far God has made all the hurdles in regards to our disappear very quickly except this hurdle so we shouldn't really complain but this is the last thing to happen before our move.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Places to live

Truckerman and I decided at the last minute to go to the big city to try and find a place to rent. This topic has been causing some strain between the 2 of us. I'm not overly happy about the whole idea of it and the fact that we would have to sign a lease most being 1 year and that we would be also paying on a car loan and our mortgage as well as the rent. We have had a few people going through our place and there is one person that may be interested. we should find out on monday if they are. If not we are going to drop the price again. The place desperately needs to get sold.

Stress is really starting to get to me. I have been really frustrated at work because I have been spending a lot of time sitting and not doing anything, staying at my parents home and sleeping on an air matress, my parents letting my children do whatever they wants and feeding them junk and not giving them proper meals most days because it is too hot according to them, not being able to sell the house, etc. My faith is being tested a lot lately. I have been praying and reading the Bible more lately but being out of my element has been really hard on me. But I guess there is a reason for all of this and that I need to have more patience and I need to have faith that the Lord will handle it all and that I need not to worry. There are worst things that could be going on then all of this.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

What a week...

On Sunday we left at 10 am and got home at 11:30 pm. We stopped on our trip and picked up a lap top for Truckerman. And then we dropped Pete off at Lutheran camp.

It was so very hot that day and it has been so very hot all of this week. It has been a little cooler the last couple of days but is supposed to get hot again tomorrow.

Today I almost got backed into at the car wash when I took one of the company cars in to get washed. I took another car in and got stuck behind someone in line that decided to get out of her car and go to the store to buy more junk food.

I had to run to Walmart to get a couple of things and while I was in the craft and fabric area I heard this come over the intercom, "Could the owner of the white Dodge pickup with licence plate @#$ @#$ please come to customer service it was just backed into." Ya, that was my truck. Luckily it was only the tail light and the light is still working. I will have to call the local salvage lot and see if they have any and them pick it up and call them for the money. At least they were honest and told me about it.

Pete will be home from camp today. Repete, my dad and my grandma went to pick him up. I sure hope he had a good time.

A certain pastor friend who had a birthday did figure out where I found out but does he know who?

Sunday, July 22, 2007

I Told You So...

A certain pastor friend of ours is able to say to me, "I told you so." The reason behind this is the song I'll Fly Away. I like this song, well I did like it up until Friday. I know that there is no theological meaning in this song and that it does not have a place in a church service but I just like to listen to it.

Well that was until I worked a Bahai funeral and they sang it. It has totally been changed for me. Our pastor friend had warned me that anyone could use that song and it has happened. So he can and has said, "I told you so."

Oh, and one more thing, that certain pastor neglected to tell us that he turned 50 this past week. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Oh, and I'm not telling where I found out. :-P

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Shake my head

This is what I have come across this week:

A female minister looked at me and said that she looks to cool to be a pastor and that she had the coolest job because she was able to be in the Lord's house and in presence of the Lord everyday and that others only get to be in His presence one day a week.

Pardon me but are we not in the presence of the Lord when we pray, etc.?

Does anyone know anything about Bahai? I looked it up on google but it does not make sense to me.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Oh so hot and oh so busy

The first week here was slow and the start of the last week was looking slow. Tuesday was a little bit busier and then it seemed to get busier. That is until friday when the phone started to ring and things started to get crazy.

I ended up going in and working 12 hours saturday and it is so hot here. I was running pretty much the whole time and then with the heat and having to wear a suit. I can just melt.

I drove home last night at 10:30 pm so I could sleep in my own bed in my own house with my own things around me. Plus it is a lot cooler in my house then my parents. Right now it is a balmy 88 degrees F. This is going to be a long hot week. :-( Their house heats up and does not cool down. I'm not thrilled about it what so ever.

Tomorrow is supposed to be hot and we have 2 very long funerals to work out of town and my suit jacket sucks up the heat and holds it in. I will have to remember to take my water bottle with me to keep me hydrated.

I have been pondering things latey. Yes I know, those who know me are thinking "Oh, no!!" LOL but this is what has been on my mind. I am staying in my old bedroom and mom has turned it into her sewing room and collectables room. She collects coffee mugs and nativity scenes and some of them are beautiful. She just informed me that she has over 250 of them so far. So day in and day out I am looking at these scenes. People have brought some from all over the world and some are beautiful like I said and some are really very cute but them there are some that are bothering me. The ones that bother me are the ones that are different, well not all that are different but some of them. The ones that are bothering me are the ones that are of animals. Mom have some that are made up animals, moose, bears, dogs, ect. And then there are the 4 sets that are made up of snowmen. Yes, snowmen! Since when did snowmen have anything to do with the nativity or animals dressed as humans. I am quite disturbed about this idea (ha,ha,ha!! to Truckerman who would say that I have always been disturbed :-P).

Does anyone else see this as just wierd and just wrong? Or am I just over analyzing all of this?

Saturday, July 07, 2007


La la la la...I'm all alone here in bloggerland. All alone. Just little ol me.

La la la la....

Happy Anniversary

Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents. Luke 15:10

Truckerman and I are celebrating our 12th Anniversary today. Unfortunately he's gone at work and won't be home until monday night and then we will not see each other until tuesday. That is not a huge bother because this is the way it has always been, at least we are able to talk on the phone.

I can't believe that it has been 12 years, the time has just seemed to fly by (he will probably say that it crawled by :-P LOL)

The boys and I are home and it is so nice to be sleeping in our own beds. :-) I have been sleeping on an air mattress all week which isn't so bad but nothing compares to your own bed in your own house where it is cooler. Yup cooler. My parents house is unbelievably hot. When I left there yesterday the thermostat was reading 89 F and my house was 82 and no one had been in it for 5 days and the windows have been closed up. What a difference, that makes me shake my head. I was able to get it back down to 70 by the time I went to bed. That is so nice to sleep where I am at a normal temp. Hopefully next week will be a bit cooler to cool the house down.

Today the boys are going to their friends house to play in their pool. They have been looking forward to coming home and playing with some of their friends. I may call a couple and see if they would like to meet at the park for an hour tomorrow.

We have someone coming to look at the house tomorrow morning at 9am. Yup that is right, 9am on a sunday morning. Luckily we have service at 9:30am so I guess we will just go to church a little earlier then usual. I should just take them with me ;-)

Thursday, July 05, 2007


Truckerman, the boys and I went to the city on Monday for me to start my practicum. We ended up leaving early to go because we were invited to my grandparents for a fish fry. YUMMY!!!

I started on Tuesday with my practicum and oh boy it might be a long summer.

The morning when I went to drive the truck to the funeral home the dang thing would not start so Truckerman and the boys had to drive me there. Then when I got there I realized that I had forgotten my suit jacket so Truckerman had to drop it off at the church where we were going for a funeral. OOPS!!

It has been pretty slow now and tomorrow I will be going home for the weekend. :-)

So more about my week later.