Thursday, July 26, 2007

What a week...

On Sunday we left at 10 am and got home at 11:30 pm. We stopped on our trip and picked up a lap top for Truckerman. And then we dropped Pete off at Lutheran camp.

It was so very hot that day and it has been so very hot all of this week. It has been a little cooler the last couple of days but is supposed to get hot again tomorrow.

Today I almost got backed into at the car wash when I took one of the company cars in to get washed. I took another car in and got stuck behind someone in line that decided to get out of her car and go to the store to buy more junk food.

I had to run to Walmart to get a couple of things and while I was in the craft and fabric area I heard this come over the intercom, "Could the owner of the white Dodge pickup with licence plate @#$ @#$ please come to customer service it was just backed into." Ya, that was my truck. Luckily it was only the tail light and the light is still working. I will have to call the local salvage lot and see if they have any and them pick it up and call them for the money. At least they were honest and told me about it.

Pete will be home from camp today. Repete, my dad and my grandma went to pick him up. I sure hope he had a good time.

A certain pastor friend who had a birthday did figure out where I found out but does he know who?


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