Thursday, May 31, 2007

Where has the time gone?

[The Lord] has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate. Luke 1:52

Wow, I can't believe it is the last day in May. Time is really flying around here. Most of our upstairs is finished with the exception of baseboards in 2 of the rooms and some touch ups that need to be done. But that will get done this weekend and next week along with the basement.

So what is new around here? Let's see. Well Tuesday I chopped off my hair. That is alot of hair gone. My hair has not been this short in 14 years. So far the people that have noticed (yes there are people who have not noticed that there is a change which is funny because they have never seen me without long hair) say that they really like it. That makes me feel better about getting it cut off. I'm thinking it will be better for work because there are different things I can do with it and it won't take as long to dry and style. I can even wash and wear and it doesn't look that bad.

Pete finished up his piano lessons the other day and had his recital last night at the local long term care facility. Truckerman's grandma is there so she made sure that she was there to see Pete play. She was so proud of him and she let everyone know that he was her great-grandson. He did very well with all 4 pieces that he played. Once all the music was done the group took baking around to all the residents and had a visit with them all.

Tomorrow the boys and I are going to the city. I have an appointment for my car, an appointment at the funeral home where I am doing my practicum, Pete has a dentist appointment, and we are going to walk in the Relay for Life (an all night [12 hour] walk for cancer) with my mom's team. The boys are really excited about going. Pete has walked in it the last 3 years and this is the first time Repete gets to stay the whole night. The second year we walked was the first time we walked with my mom's team and the boys were walking around in a group with some of their friends and Repete decided that he would walk on his own around the outdoor track. He was only 3 years old at the time, I thought that he was with my parents and they thought he was with me. Oops!! A friend found him and he was just a going around the track with no care in the world having a great time doing it. He didn't think that he was doing anything wrong since we were supposed to walk around the track. He learned that night that he wasn't going to be doing that again by himself.

I have been stressing about a 10 page essay that I was to have wriiten for this sunday. My problem was that the 3 topics that were given there really was no information out there for them. That was what was stressing me out. I had gotten my hands on a couple books on Funeral Director Burn Out so I called my instructor and she was excited to have me write on that instead. YA!!! That really brought my stress level down quite a few notches because I do have info on that and can write an essay now.

So I better get going and look at a couple sites to see if there is any more info on the topic. Wish me luck on it and pray that I do well and that everyone is safe at the Relay.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Road Kill and Birthday Cake

Neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. 1 Corinthians 3:7Does our cat look like road kill here? When the boys go out to play in the yard she follows them around waging her tail. When the boys ride their biles she will usually sit in the middle of the driveway while the boys ride around her (she's pretty brave to do that or not so smart). Just before I took this picture she had found a pot hole in the driveway and was lying in it while the boys where riding very close to her. She is a funny cat that is for sure.

Pete had track and field yesterday. Here he is doing the high jump. This one really frustrates him so he didn't do as well as he would have liked. He had fun and recieved a couple of ribbons so he was happy about that.

We had Pete's birthday party today. He invited 3 boys and 3 girls (he wanted more but that is enough considering all that needed to get finished around here). Well the 1 girl and 1 boys did not make it and then this morning another boy got sick so he did not come so if it were not for Repete and his friend there would have been more girls than boys here. I made this Sponge Bob cake for the birthday party. I had made one for Repete so Pete decided that he had to have one too. This one didn't turn out as nice as the first one that I had made but Pete didn't care.

Everyone played outside for awhile and then they had a treasure hunt for their gift bags. We had hot dogs, beans and 2 salads. There is plenty of leftovers so we won't have to worry about lunch tomorrow.

We have gotten a lot accomplished the last few days. Other then a few touch ups with paint we have the dining room, kitchen, laundry room and hallway finished. Ya!!! The bedroom floor will be finished tonight. I was just informed that there is no longer green shag rug in our bed room any more. Yipee!!! I'm so happy!!! So by monday we should have the bedroom, the boys room and the bathroom finished. The living room needs baseboards but that is going to be next weekends job. So as of monday morning this house will be officially FOR SALE! No hopefully it sells quickly.

We did find out one interesting thing yesterday. Pete likes to remove wall paper. If we would have known that before we would have had him removing wall paper a long time ago. He removed the wall paper in our bed room yesterday and then we have sent him down stairs to remove the ugly wall paper down there. (I really need to post a picture of the wall paper it is that ugly) That is going to save me time that is for sure.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Magic Hands

I have not come to call the rightous but sinners to repentance. Luke 5:32

We have been making a dent in the to-do lists. We hope to have the house on the market by Monday next week.

With all that has been done and all the stress my back really started to bother me especially when I was doing my pilates. Usually pilates makes me feel better but it didn't so I called the chiropractor. He has made me feel much better. He crunched and cracked me from my head down to my tailbone and things are still popping. My back feels so much nicer that I am up to doing more work.

Down side is that I think I am allergic t o the paint. We usually buy Benjamin Moore and this time we bought Glidden. I am getting weezy when painting with the Glidden that doesn't happen with the other. I am almost done painting but I still have to do our bedroom so I think we might have to sleep elsewhere for a couple nights.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Not gone just...

Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. Romans 12:17

The reason that I have not been around is the computer doesn't like me very much. For over a week I was only able to check emails quickly and that was all. If I stayed on to long the whole computer would freeze up completely. This was interesting especially when it came to sending assignments. It seemed to come out of nowhere and we tried many different things and nothing seemed to fix it. Then out of nowhere, it fixed itself. We are still unsure as to what really happened. I'm just glad to have it up and running again.

The house is still coming along. Very slowly mind you. Between school, the boys, Truckerman and the house I am getting a little stressed. I really need a vacation. The stress is getting to me, so much so that I sent the wrong assignment to my one instructor. Hopefully he will see past that when I sent him the right one.

The painting in the hallway and kitchen are finished with the exception of the minor touch ups that need to be done (that will get done once all the other painting is done). The tiling is finished in the dining room (with the exception of one small strip), the kitchen, the hallway and the bathroom. The boys room will be finished here in the next hour. Then only 2 rooms left to tile and some others to fix!! I'm so excited.

Tomorrow G (a girlfriend of mine) and I are having a garage sale. We are getting rid of stuff. Finally we are getting rid of stuff. I try to get rid of stuff but I am in a house full of packrats. So getting rid of things is difficult around here. Pete argues about what to get rid of and Repete just cries. It drives me bonkers when that happens. I am just going to be happy to see it all go away. What doesn't sell is going to charity or the dump. It is not coming home if I have anything to say about it and I do because I am the one driving the truck. :-)

Well I should go and get some more stuff together for the garage sale. :-)

Monday, May 07, 2007

Busy Time

For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. Romans 10:10

Repete started ball last week and the first practise was rained out in the first 10 minutes. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice so they should have a good practise.

Pete had his first soccer practise tonight. It would have been nice to know that he was supposed to have shin guards.

We have met with the realator and there is someone already interested in looking at our place. We just have to get the things done that need to get done. So far the list still is not getting to much shorter.

I can say that the dining room, kitchen and half the hallway have been tiled. When it comes to painting the hallway is almost finished along with the dining room, kitchen and dining room. It seems to be the trim and baseboards that need to be finished.

Tomorrow I have to go to the city to go to my cousin's funeral. It seems like quite a few people that I know are dying. The funeral is through one of the funeral homes that I help out at so afterwards my friend is going to help me with my assignment for my Funeral Directing class.

While I am in the city I will pick up shin guards for Pete, and pick up a few things that we need for the renos that we need. It is cheaper there and we need Dad's saw for the baseboards so I will pick it up while I have no children with me in the car.

The grass is greening up so nice here now and Truckerman has had to mow the lawn. In the next few weeks I will have to get my planters out and get them ready to put bedding plants into. Cranky Momma said that her daughter can come over the summer and water the plants for me while we are in the city for me to do my practicum. That will help the place look nice.

We sold our couch at an auction. We didn't get much for it but it is out of the house and not in the way anymore. We are going to have a garage sale with friends of our and that should help get rid of a few more things around here. We decided to get rid of the boys bunk beds and use the set that is in the basement. I was scared that Repete was not going to like the idea because he does not like change very often but to my surprise he is excited about the whole idea of it.

Well I better get going and get the boys ready for bed and then get painting agian.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Everyone then who hears these words of Mine and does them will be like a wise man who builds his house on the rock. Matthew 7:24

The weekend was not to bad in that we were able to welcome a new member into God's family through baptism. We were able to visit with a few people. I was able to get a few scrapbooking and stamping things. Truckerman had registration for university and I had a great job interview.

I had received a letter in the mail from school saying that classes started again on the 7th of May and then my course stuff came in the mail and said that I had an assignment due in the 4th. Does anyone else see a problem there? We have now received information that the dates of the first two assignments have been changed. Thank goodness for that.

We were supposed to have been showing the house today and the person looking has not called so I'm assuming that he changed his mind. Not a big deal, actually it is better for me since my house is in complete diseray at this moment. There are paths to get to certain areas of the house due to cleaning, decluttering, wall paper striping and painting. Things are slowly getting crossed off the list but it is going to take a bit, but we will be needing to pick up the pace since the realator is coming on Friday to list the house.

Sounds like we are going to be able to list it for more than we originally thought. That makes me very happy because it looks like we may have to buy when we go to the city. :-P

Tomorrow Repete starts t-ball and Monday Pete starts soccer. OY!! It life ever going to slow down? Not any time soon it seems.

Somewhere between the boys, school work, and the house I am supposed to get groceries, an oil change on the car, and bake 5 items for the church garage sale. I think that the baking is the least of my worries and may have be skiped. My question is is why I am being expected and told I need to bring these items and not asked if I was able to. They think that if I can't bake them then I should go to the store and purchase something to be sold. Ya, I don't think that is going to happen.

Well I am off to get the painting finished in my dining room. Then that will be finished and Then I will be on to the living room. More things accomplished then not.