Where has the time gone?
[The Lord] has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate. Luke 1:52
Wow, I can't believe it is the last day in May. Time is really flying around here. Most of our upstairs is finished with the exception of baseboards in 2 of the rooms and some touch ups that need to be done. But that will get done this weekend and next week along with the basement.
So what is new around here? Let's see. Well Tuesday I chopped off my hair. That is alot of hair gone. My hair has not been this short in 14 years. So far the people that have noticed (yes there are people who have not noticed that there is a change which is funny because they have never seen me without long hair) say that they really like it. That makes me feel better about getting it cut off. I'm thinking it will be better for work because there are different things I can do with it and it won't take as long to dry and style. I can even wash and wear and it doesn't look that bad.
Pete finished up his piano lessons the other day and had his recital last night at the local long term care facility. Truckerman's grandma is there so she made sure that she was there to see Pete play. She was so proud of him and she let everyone know that he was her great-grandson. He did very well with all 4 pieces that he played. Once all the music was done the group took baking around to all the residents and had a visit with them all.
Tomorrow the boys and I are going to the city. I have an appointment for my car, an appointment at the funeral home where I am doing my practicum, Pete has a dentist appointment, and we are going to walk in the Relay for Life (an all night [12 hour] walk for cancer) with my mom's team. The boys are really excited about going. Pete has walked in it the last 3 years and this is the first time Repete gets to stay the whole night. The second year we walked was the first time we walked with my mom's team and the boys were walking around in a group with some of their friends and Repete decided that he would walk on his own around the outdoor track. He was only 3 years old at the time, I thought that he was with my parents and they thought he was with me. Oops!! A friend found him and he was just a going around the track with no care in the world having a great time doing it. He didn't think that he was doing anything wrong since we were supposed to walk around the track. He learned that night that he wasn't going to be doing that again by himself.
I have been stressing about a 10 page essay that I was to have wriiten for this sunday. My problem was that the 3 topics that were given there really was no information out there for them. That was what was stressing me out. I had gotten my hands on a couple books on Funeral Director Burn Out so I called my instructor and she was excited to have me write on that instead. YA!!! That really brought my stress level down quite a few notches because I do have info on that and can write an essay now.
So I better get going and look at a couple sites to see if there is any more info on the topic. Wish me luck on it and pray that I do well and that everyone is safe at the Relay.