What have a Accomplished Today
What have I accomplished today? It doesn't look like anything so far. It looks like a plane flew over my house and dropped a bomb right on top of it. Every room in my house is a complete disaster.
I have spent the better part of 4 hours today cleaning, yelling at the boys to clean, and being down right miserable and the only room in the entire hour (literally the entire house) is the bathroom.
That is a really sad thought. I live in a house filled with pigs and that is being generous. I understand that Truckerman is busy with school work and the boys take forever to do anything. But why is it that no one (including myself some days) can not pick up after themselves, can not throw things away, etc.? I ask for little things to get done and it is like I am speaking to the wall or nothing has come out of my mouth.
My stress headache that I have had since Tuesday is back again, I am super grumpy and my house is nowhere near clean enough for my candle party tonight.
I was hoping to get some of my Advent decorations up today so I would be ready for tomorrow but that is not going to happen. I guess that will have to happen tomorrow sometime if I don't have to go into work or around the boys curling in the afternoon.