We went to Canadian Tire to get some flowers and a new clothes line.
Well we came home with the flowers but not the clothes line. We just could not find one. Oh well, we will just find one later at a different store.
We also found lots of other things that we never intended on buying other things but man what a deal we got.
We needed a new container for the boy's toys and we were planning on buying one and it was on sale so we of course bought it. And then Truckerman found rollerblades for cheap. So we bought Pete a pair for his birthday. The were originally $130 and we got them for $30,
I think that that was a pretty good deal. So also got Repete a pair as an early birthday present even though his birthday is not until September. We also bought Truckerman a pair for Father's Day. So when we got home the three of them put them on and went rollerblading with the neighbor boys.
We also found a set of junior golf clubs and bag for $30. The boys will have to share them for now but now they can go golfing with dad and grandpa when we are at the lake.
The boys and I got the plants into the front flower bed. Now I just need to get my planters from Truckerman's dad's barn so I can have a nice looking yard and make it seem more like home.
We have the camp site booked for the weekend before and the 3 days of July 1 along with Truckerman's dad's site. It shall be nice. We did not got out camping last summer so this will be a nice break. We all really enjoy camping.
The boys and I are going home to my parent's for the Relay for Life and we are going to Truckerman's dad's for one night and we will bring home some of our gardening supplies and then we are going back again to go to my aunt and uncle's anniversary party so we will bring home some camping supplies and then the next weekend Truckerman is going to a Preachering Workshop so he will stop at his dad's and pick up some more stuff.
Some days I really wish we had the truck to haul things with other then cars. But I am just glad that we have what we have.