birthday and parade, full day
Some of these photos are from earlier this month. Here the boys decided to have a lemonade stand and they made $14. The funny thing was people would come over to just put money in their jar. So Repete says, "We don't even have to have anything to drink out here." Truckerman's response, "That would be begging and we don't do that."
Repete finally has decided that he can ride his new big bike from grandma and grandpa.
We had Pete's Birthday party today. We decided to go to the park for a couple of hours and we invited the whole class. NEVER AGAIN!! Some parents we had to phone and have them finally come and pick their children up. ERR!! The one I understand because he was stuck in traffic, the other GRRR he had excuses that were pretty lame, he used us to babysit. Not impressed! That child was also rude, mean and also talked back to me. He is not aloud to my home ever again as long I am living.
I made a NASCAR car cake for Pete. He likes the 31 car so that is the colors I used and the 31 is on the top of the car. He liked it some of the kids questioned what it was.
Today the city where I work in had a parade and the company put in the parade their 1918 horse drawn hearse and their coach bus. We all rode in the bus and the boys stood up front and waved at the crowd. They were pretty happy about that. We decided to do our yearly family photo in front of the old hearse. Different, I know, but I think it is cool! Note the bad perm that I received, this is way better then it had been.