Saturday, September 30, 2006

Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57

Last night I went to the Fall Fair by myself! Yippee! Time to myself and then I went for an iced tea with a friend after that. It was a nice evening. When I got home Truckerman was still awake so we talked for a bit. During the day it can be hard with two boys constantly butting in. I finished my assignment in Business last night and sent it off. The Funeral Directing reading is different. Some cultures have a different view of mourning. And that is all I have to say about that. I am taking the boys to the big city to my aunt's house for an early Thanksgiving supper. She will be unable to be there next week because of her back surgery on monday. But that will have to be explained another day. Truckman is going to stay home and try and get ahead on his studies because of his surgery that is coming up and he will not get much done then. Tomorrow I am going to have a house full after Church. I am having a Victorian Epicure party. Yummy! The dips and spices are great. And I get free stuff! I love free stuff. I'll post the site later when I get a chance. What fun it shall be, a bunch of women visiting and eating great food. What fun!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Busy day!

You wil be called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will bestow. Isaiah 62:2

So far it has been a pretty busy day. I've done the banking, gotten the groceries (at two different stores), gotten Truckerman's prescription, gone to the post office, paid the house insurance, picked up some odds and ends at the local V&S store, picked up a quick lunch for Repete and myself and ate it, put away the groceries, put chili in the slow cooker, and finished the reading for this weeks unit in business. Now to finish the assignment for that unit, read the chapters for Funeral Directing, do some dishes, fold some laundry, visit with Pete who just got off the bus, visit Truckerman when he gets home from 4.5 days away, go take Repete to his friend's birthday party, and then I am going to go to the Fall Fair with a friend to have some girl time. Sounds like fun! Found out today that Pete will be going to districts for X-country, he will be happy about that. I can't wait to tell him.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

End of the day

Well Pete went to his X-country meet and came in 59th out of 70. Pretty good for one of the youngest and smallest. It is grades 3-5 that compete in his group and he is in grade 3. He's pretty happy with himself and he should be. I talked to his teachers today. I found out something VERY interesting. He showed his morning teacher his neatest printing (his printing is the worst that I have ever seen). She was very impressed but asked why the rest was messy. I was shocked at the answer. He blamed ME!! Really he did. He told her that I said that he needed to hurry up and get his homework finished and that it was okay if it was messy. Was I ever floored when I heard that. Then when confronted he denied, denied, denied. Oh, and also forgot. Kids!
I took out Repete's stitches today. Three in total. You wouldn't think that one mole could be so big on a 5 year old. I wasn't even touching the stitches and he was crying, bouncing around, and saying "Owe, Owe, Owe!" He never even felt me pull them out. Boy oh boy, some days.
I finished my psych assignment finally. What a chore. I thought that it would be not a bad assignment. NOT! I erased it about ten times and rewrote it. Then I added and took away but I did manage over 550 words. It is now emailed and sent. so now I have 198 more pages of reading to do and an assignment in business to do before Sunday. My brain is going to turn to mush. UGH!
Well it is off to do my reading since tomorrow will be a busy day.

A new day!

Solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguished from evil. Hebrews 5:14
Today I so far have been lazy. It seems lately that I just can not get motivated to get things done like I should. I should have gotten my psych assignment done by now and I'm not. I'm not even close. The morning is almost gone and this afternoon I have to drive to Pete's X-country meet that is in another town. It is the last meet so I should really go and watch and the town is only 20 minutes from here so I'm not going that far. Well off to get my assignment finished.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

it keeps going round...

I am getting through the readings for my school work but there is still alot left to read (198 pgs. of 294). I have two assignments due but I'm sure to get the first one finished tonight and if not tomorrow morning after the boys leave for school. I have the day to myself. What to do? Same as every other work and study.
After Pete (my uncle's name for oldest boy) came home from school homework was a chore. 1.5 hours to write 2 sentences. He likes to daydream and do everything but his homework. After getting upset, no angry with him he finally buckled down and finished. Repete (uncle's name for youngest boy) decided that he had to have homework too so he workrd on his Snakey S's. He thinks that he needs homework too even though he is only in Kindergarden. If it is going to keep him occupied while Pete finishs his by all means find homework. It is funny to watch him get so excited about having his own homework to do.
Well I'm off to finish my to tell a 3.5 and 10 year olds that their grandma has died and why I would tell them the way that I chose to. Yippee! :-P

Things to do

Well here I go. Things to do... well today I have a lot to do and not in the mood to do anything. There is a pile of towels in a basket to fold, kids clothes piled in 3 diferent places to be folded, dishes to wash, studying to do :P, and the list goes on. What to do first and what to put off until tomorrow? Well I guess I should get the studying done since I have assignments due.