Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Funny story

The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. 1 John 2:17

I was reading a blog today. It is listed on the sidebar as Paradisetownship. Anyways, her son got his very first bebegun for his birthday. What a right of passage for a young man.
I would love to give Pete one but with moving to the big city next year that is not going to happen. I'm thinking this summer he could spent some time with Great Gramps in his gunshop and learn more about guns and how they work and then they could go out to the range in the back and shoot some targets.
I loved doing that when I was a kid. I still miss the pistol competitions when I was a teen. Some days I wish I still had my air pistol and my backstop. Just to go and target shoot and relax. The only problem is I sold my gun and a new one would break us. Plus all the equipment to go with it. Ouch!
Anyhow, to the funny story. When I first got my hunter safety certificate, Gramps gave me a rifle. Oh, it was beautiful. The pattern on the stock, I was in love. That year Gramps, Grandma, Dad, and I went down south to hunt. Just the 4 of us. I was so excited because this was the first year I was able to use a gun, I didn't have to push bush (not an enjoyable thing when you are short and have to walk through snow and the bush). So, we got up on the tuesday morning, the first day of hunting season. We got dressed, ate breakfast, got all our gear, and headed out to go hunting. Gramps and Grandma headed out in their truck and Dad and I behind in Dad's truck.
We were driving down the road and low and behold a 5 point buck. A real beaut! So I tell dad to stop I want to try and get him. This is only a half hour after the season had officially started.
So I get my 300 Savage out and loaded, I line up my sites (I had open sites because I did not get a scope yet) and shoot, pump, shoot, pump, and shoot. Well I missed the dane thing. But the reason for missing?
Yup, that is correct. I had been shoot down a hill and there was a power line that was running across that I had not seen and the bullet had ripped right through it. Well the next thing I know there is a fire on the ground and the lights at the surrounding farms were going out one by one.
It freaked me out. We went to a nearby farm to call the power company to report it. Dad explained what had happened and they would not believe him. They actually thought that we had run into the pole with the truck.
A while later the gentleman shows up to fix it and was dumbfounded. I still to this day have that piece of wire to prove that it did happen.
That was 18 years ago! Yikes! I can't believe it has been that long.
After we had gotten that fixed we went to a friends place for coffee and her husband came home from town. He proceeds to tell us this story about someone shooting a powerline in two. It was already around town. That is embarrassing for a 15 year old that is for sure.
To this day my family still picks on me about that. I will never live that one down.
Well that one isn't as bad as my uncle shooting a goose and it landing on his clients brand new truck and breaking out the sunroof! That is a totally different story for another time.
By the way, the wine and soap is working wonderfully on the fruit flies.


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