Saturday, December 16, 2006


No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father's side, He has made Him known. John 1:18

Last night when I went to bed I ended up in a coughing fit. So I didn't sleep well after that. Today I haven't coughed much except I am sore and achey everywhere. I don't know which one is worse.

I did manage to get most of my office cleaned and found many things that we thought were gone and things I never even knew I had. :-) Sometimes that can be a nice surprise and then some things you stop and ask yourself, "What was I thinking?"

Truckerman had been missing his nice staple gun and we thought that it was forever gone. We were at Canadian Tire not long ago where we had gotten it and decided to buy another one. This one is smaller and does not have all the same features as the old one but it does become a desk stapler. That feature is way too cool. And since we needed a desk stapler we decided to get it. Well low and behold Kirken finally decides she can't stand the mess anymore and decides to go through everything and start to junk. Guess what I found in one of my Rubbermaids? Yup, Truckerman's stapler. He was happy to see it again but he isn't overly impressed with me over misplacing it. Oops!

I can see the closet again and there is room for more stuff! But I am on a mission to have less stuff, so seeing this is a nice and welcome thing. I'm still missing a pattern that I was needing for making pj's for the kids. That one baffles me. But I'm not sure why. Things always seem to disappear and never to be found again. I know that for a fact. It happened to the top of our wedding cake. We had a fake cake and the cat knocked it over and the arms of the people feel off and they were never to be seen again. Maybe the people that bought our old place found them. Who knows. I'm not overly concerned anymore. Pete took my watch and it has never been seen again. Maybe when we move, that would be a nice thing.

Truckerman found The Muppet Movie for my tonght on eBay. That is one of my favorites. I have most of their movies. I prefer the older ones to the new ones they are classics.

Tonight we were going to go and see The Nativity at the theater but with me not feeling well we have decided to maybe wait and see how I am feeling tomorrow. It will nice to go out on a date with my sweetie and get out of the house. I'll have to phone the babysitter and rebook with her. Hopefully she is available.


At 10:23 p.m., December 16, 2006 , Blogger Hausfrau said...

Just yesterday I found a whole pack of sharpies while cleaning the catch all room, more commonly referred to as my office. I was so excited. It was a variety color pack too. Oh the joy!!

Pastor treated the family and I to The Nativity tonight. After missing it due to sickness earlier, I'm so happy they held it over for another week. Not only did I cry, but my 11 year old next to me was as well ... though she'd never admit it. You'll laugh, you'll cry, even find yourself wincing in a couple scenes. Go see this movie tomorrow if at all possible. You will not regret it.

At 1:04 p.m., December 17, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, I had left a message with the babysitter about coming over to watch the boys. It will be nice to just get out. I missed Church today because I feel terrible. I'm feeling somewhat better and hopefully will be able to attend the Church Christmas party tonight. While everyone else was at Church I slept and had a dream that I found the pattern I've been looking for plus 2 I didn't have. Funny how your mind works. :-)


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