Friday, December 15, 2006


They are finished!!! I was one giant knot when I was done, but I am done!! Now time to relax and get ready to celebrate Jesus' birthday.

After I was finished I went to a few stores in town to finish getting the remainder of the presents and stocking stuffers. I was informed the other day that I was to get the presents for all the children from Church for the Christmas party sunday night and that I was also to get the gift bags for the children for the Christmas Eve service. Thanks, not like I don't have a million other things going on right now. I was finished exams pretty quickly so I took the opportunity to go and get these things because I did not have any tag alongs. So now I am finished Christmas shopping!

Ya, just scrap that, I forgot that the boys each need a present for their classes. That should be quite simple to do so I'm not to concerned. They are each to be worth $3. V&S here we come! (That is my favorite store and I'm going to miss it when we move)

We didn't really get any snow today. The snow we did get was a smidgen but the flakes were huge, I swear they had to be as big as 1.5 inches across and fluffy. Very pretty to watch.

Tonight Truckerman, the boys and I watched the Cars movie. We did not get to see it this summer with me at school. I laughed so hard, I can't wait until Christmas when the boys get it from their Grandpa G. Repete got so excited that he would get off his chair and dance around. Made it hard to see since I was right behind him in the floor. :-) I get a kick out of watching him watch shows for the first time. Watching Polar Express was quite the expirience let me tell you. I think it was more fun watching him watch the movie. Little ones are too funny sometimes.

I started to clean out my office tonight. I need to get into the closet to get my patterns so I can make pj's for all the kids for Christmas. I haven't been able to get in their for quite some time because there was a giant box of baskets in front of it and then that box became a dumping ground for things that were in our way when studying, or being on here. But no more, after I am off of here then the box is gone! I will be able to move again in here and actually find things again. I'm so excited!

Well I should actually go and do that. Nite, Nite everyone.


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