Sunday, November 12, 2006


A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not snuff out. Isaiah 42:3

I really should be studying but I just can not seem to get motivated this week. There is so much to do around the house and I haven't done much there either. I really should get my butt in gear.

I did manage to get the giant pumpkin that friends from church gave us cooked. Right now there is whole wheat pumpkin raison muffins in the oven baking. They smell oh so yummy. I can't wait to try one.

Tomorrow there is no school again. They had a 4 day weekend. Some days I think that they have more time off then they do school. It will be nice to have them back at school. Them being home changes the routine and it throws everything off.

I had thought that Repete's cold was getting better but I'm afraid that it isn't. So he went to bed extra early tonight. It doesn't help that he wants to play outside all the time. I'm not saying that being outside is bad, I encourage it, but when he is sick it is different.

Tommorow the boys and I are going to a friends house. Her boy is in Repete's class and her girl is in Pete's class. The 4 of them get along so well and enjoy playing with each other. It was also nice for Repete to start school with some boys that he knew. He was in preschool last year but it seems that most of them went over to the Catholic School.

The muffins came out of the oven and boy-o-boy are they ever gooooooodddddd!!!! I think I'll have to make some more and freeze them for later.


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