Monday, November 06, 2006

Nothing Done

Alwaysbe prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. 1 Peter 3:15

I did absolutely nothing today. Well, that is not quite true, I did get Pete off to school and did a bit of laundry. I did make the meals to eat. I did try and study. Did true is what I did do but Repete would not leave me alone nor would he stop talking today. I sometime wish that there was a mute button on him.

I tried to study here after supper. Truckerman was in the tub reading the newspaper, so he was quiet. Pete decided that that was the time to practice his piano, and the piano is on the other side of the wall from my office. So that was loud. And the Repete decided that he had to play rightoutside my office door. Now he is trying to shave (he has a kids razor). Gotta be like dad.

I started looking at the calender and more and more things keep getting added to our lists of things that need to be done. I'm not sure how things are getting done. Oh ya, they aren't. Well most things are and the house work is not. I live in a house that looks like a bomb went off. It seems like when I try to get one room clean the other ones get worse and then when I start on a new room the room that I just cleaned blows up. Two young boys in this house are going to have to pull their weight or mom is going to blow her top. I should not have to ask more than once to have them do things and they are old enough to do them right the first time. And how many times does one person have to take things away for them to learn. I think I 'm going to walk around with a garbage bag attached to my hip and if things are not put away the first time then I am going to toss. Then maybe they will learn and there will then be less clutter. Actually that is sounding pretty good about now. We'll see how I'm feeling in the morning.


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