Monday, October 09, 2006


Why is that children want to be loud? Why is it that they have no patience? Why do they not listen? Why is it that something as simple as saying Please and Thank you, turning off lights, closing the door, putting their wrappers in the garbage, doing their chores, and putting things away after they have used it can not be done even though it has been told to them over and over again since they could talk and walk? Some days I'm surprised that I am not bald the way it's going. I don't know how we are going to move to Edmonton and me going to work is going to happen. I think that Truckerman and I need to sit the boys down and lay down the law once and for all. The other day I took the garbage bag into their room and anything that was not put away where it was supposed to go went into the bag. I was not very popular after that but it did not seem to faze them. I had to remind and threaten again today to get their room and the livingroom cleaned again. I just don't get it.


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