Thursday, October 05, 2006

Long morning

Christ...will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him. Hebrews 9:28

I've been up for an hour and I'm officially done for the day! The boys some day. You'd think that they just came here for a visit because they don't seem to know where some things are and where some things need to be put. It is always a struggle with the two of them to pick up after themselves. Today will be judgement day for them. They have a built-in cupboard in their room that I dispise. It is coming out. All it is good for is to collect junk. Oh, and hold Pete's clothing but a dresser would work better. Anyhow, I've already taken the doors off and told the boys that everything that is on it and in it (other then clothes and Elvis) need to be put away, given away, or thrown out. And it better not be on the floor, or bed either. If it is not done by bedtime I will personally be throwing it all away. I'm tired of it and not putting up with it anymore. Oh ya, Elvis is our pet salamander.

Todays plan is to do up my roots, the white is getting to me, do some laundry, go to work (there is a funeral today and they need some help), get my assignment finshed (that is a complete disaster), and everything else that needs to be done on a regular basis. :P At least I'm still breathing. LOL
Time to go and switch laundry. Have a great day y'all.


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