Saturday, August 25, 2007

Not Sure

We have the townhouse, I'm still not sure about the job (they want me but am not sure as to where to put me, the boss wants me at one location and the one manager wants me at another location) I should hopefully know more monday, we have an offer on the house, not a very good one and that is where the I'm not sure comes in.

Now this is where we are having trouble. The offer is not very good but yet we need to sell the house and this offer is before us. I got a feeling that I will find the answer to this and my other stress situations tonight in the bible (yup all answers are found there). Well I got my bible and looked up my devotions for the day and I came across, Matthew 6:24-34 and the answer is there, I'm thinking that we are to take the offer and that the we will be okay and not to worry.

I think this is the answer but what do you all think?

We have started to pack the house but have not made much of a dent in the house yet but that will change in the next few days. We need to go to the big city on wednesday to finalize the house, register the boys and finalize things at work (I hope). Then on thursday we are to go to my parents for supper and the guys at the funeral home want me to stop by that day to visit. We need to see some of our friends before go and to try and get everything else done. OH BOY!! Thank goodness Truckerman is home this week.

To help us remember things that need to be done I have started a notebook with everything that needs to be done and then I have each day written on a seperate page for other things that need to be done on those days. The things being added on to the Todo list is more then what is being finished so far. OY!!! It will all get done and if it does not well eventually it will have to be.


At 3:26 p.m., August 26, 2007 , Blogger Susan said...

Matthew 6 is a lot holier (and surer!) than my thought, which is that this is why the cliche exists. "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."

The not-knowing sure is maddening, isn't it?

At 10:58 a.m., August 27, 2007 , Blogger Kirken said...

I'm ready to pull all of my hair out at the moment. I should be working on Repete's b'day cake at the moment or packing but my mind does not want to work properly. I called about the job and they still don't know if they need me. It is starting to get frustrating.

I cried at church yesterday because it was our last sunday there. I know that we will be back to visit but it is still very sad to leave our church family.


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