Thursday, April 12, 2007

where are the days going

At one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light. Ephesians 5:8

I can't believe that it is almost the middle of April already. Where is the days all going?

I was looking at my school work to see what was left to do and what the assignments all consisted of. The assignments are large ones and then my FD final is coming up as well.

I was also looking at the lists that I had made of things that needed to be done in each room of the house. Things are going much slower then we were hoping.

Truckerman has finished the flooring in the dining room and has done a few more things in the basement, but with Easter things were slow going this set of days off.

I have started on the painting in the dining room. I just need to remember to change into my painting clothes before I get into it because I have a tendancy to get paint on myself. You would think that I would learn.

This week I have been working as well. I had to do a transfer and embalming and tomorrow I have to pick the person up and go and work at the funeral. It is a really sad case.

I forgot that on Saturday that I was to work the school's booth at the spring fair. OOPS!!! Mom and Dad were going to come and bring our new couch and chair (well, new to us they decided to buy new furniture even though there is absolutely nothing wrong with the funiture that they have). Now I just need to figure out where to put the other furniture that is in the living room right now. We plan on having a garage sale and sell it (the couch) but until then I am not sure as to what to do. I think I will be rearranging the room until then. Thank goodness that it is a large room to begin with.

Anyways, about mom and dad coming. I am not sure as to when they plan on getting here so I have to phone tonight and fingure things out with them. I was hoping to get to the city that day as well to get a few things that are needed.

My head is spinning from it all. I think I will just let it happen when it happens and just make a big list of what needs to get done each day and then try to follow it (Ya right, like that ever happens :-))


At 3:24 p.m., April 13, 2007 , Blogger Marie N. said...

Time is passing quickly but I'm still impatient for spring, specifically planting seeds in teh garden time.
Best wishes with your studies.


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