Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday

And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice,"Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" which means, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?" Mark 15, 34

This morning I was hoping to go to church in another town but my family had changed my plans. I ended up taking the boys out to the farm to color Easter eggs with my family.

The boys had a good time coloring the eggs and playing with their cousins. They ran around the farm and climbed around on the bails. Climbing on the bails is one of their favorite activities. Hopefully they should sleep good for grandma tonight.

Grandma has the day packed full of thing for them to do. One of the things they are going to do is make chocolate bunnies. They haven't done this before so they should have a good time.

Tomorrow night my cousin's two girls are being baptized. I am so excited. I would love to go but with all that is going on here and having to drive there today, Sunday and then Monday, it is a lot of driving and Truckerman gets tired of driving. So the boys are going to represent our family there.

I made it home early enough to go to service this afternoon here in town and I was pleasantly surprised to see Truckerman get home just in time to leave for church. It was a nice service. I love Good Friday service because of having to really focus on what Christ did for us. I have to keep myself from crying during the service.

Truckerman and I always watch "The Passion of the Christ" on Good Friday since it came out but tonight I had to finish up an assignment and Truckerman is tired, so we will watch it tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, we will be putting together our new computer desk! I can't wait! I wish that it was together before I started my assignment because it would have been a lot easier to do the assignment when I could leave my books out instead of having to mark them and then put them to the side so I could open another and look at it and then go back to the first one. It will be a much better day when it gets finished.

I saw that eagle again today. It was sitting on a fence post so on my way home from the farm I watched for it and wouldn't you know it but it was still sitting on the same fence post a couple hours later. So I pulled over and took pictures of it. It ended up flying into the field so I had to zoom in and then enlarge it on the computer when I got home. I'll have to post the picture tomorrow.


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