Thursday, November 16, 2006


While He was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, "This is My Som, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased. Listen to Him!" Matthew 17:5

Today Truckerman and I went to the city. He had a dentist appointment. Well that was a waste of time. He ended up not getting anything done. So now I have to make another appointment. We did get some info regarding a new upper partial for him.

We did get a few things done while we were there. We took the Operation Christmas Child boxes to the dropoff place and I did get to visit my mom for a couple of minutes. It was nice to have a quiet day with Truckerman. It was weird though, we kept expecting to hear at least one little voice come from the backseat.

Things were good until we got home. We arrived just as the bus was pulling up to the yard. Pete came running down the driveway without his brother or his bookbag. I finally saw Repete taking his time walking to the house. Well Pete announces to us that he lost his bookbag somewhere at school. What else is that boy going to lose?! It isn't even half way through the school year and he has lost his ruler, social book (found a month and a half later), his mitt, then another mitt (found on the bus by the driver), and now his bookbag with his lunch kit, library books, and his dayplanner and homework. Truckerman loaded him up into the car and took him back to town to the school and they spent half an hour searching and could not find it. Well, just before supper the phone rang and it was the bus driver. Guess what he found on one of the seats of the bus? Pete's book bag. My question is, "How did he not realize that he had it on the bus with him?" He told us that when he picked up Repete from his classroom he had it and had put it down and realized as they were walking to the bus that he had forgotten it and went back and it was gone. It does not compute. I have given up on trying to understand him, he just does not make any sense to me.

It made it above 0 c today. So much for washing the car yesterday. Well, it had to be done because there was snow packed into the wheels and it was causing the car to shake. Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer. I just wish that the snow would just stay now for the winter. Yes, I know, I was complaining about it the other day, but I like snow except when I am having trouble getting around. I like to say that the snow should just fall everywhere except the streets, sidewalks and driveways.


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