Thursday, November 23, 2006

It's Found

The Lord Jesus...took bread, and when He had given thanks,...said, "This is My body." 1 Corinthians 11:23-24

Pete's class cleaned out their desks today and guess what he found? His missing mitten!! Yup, it was inside his desk the whole time.

Speaking of Pete, at the end of their first recess someone slammed Pete's head between the metal doors. So needless to say, I had to go to town and bring him home. He is doing much better now and the headache is gone.

I had to go to parent-teacher interviews tonight. Nothing new came out of it all. Repete talks and sings alot, talks really loudly, and dances around when he is supposed to be getting ready to go home instead of getting his things on. Pete, well he is either talking or daydreaming. That we already knew.


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